We decided to finally visit Trieste, and as it usually gets when you go with a group and a tour guide nobody asks you what you really want to see. That is why you should always be prepared and know what beautiful sites are there to be discovered. It is also important to know how much free time you will have for you to wonder the streets and explore. The thing you have to know is that Trieste is not a huge town and you can stroll around the center and see the most of the tourist attractions.
The first thing we saw was Canal Grande or so called Ponte Rosso. While everybody was listening about Palazzo Gopcevich I was of course taking pictures, what else.
At the end of the canal there is Piazza Sant'Antonio with the the Church of Sant'Antonio Taumaturgo and on the right side the Serbian Orthodox Church of San Spiridone. Since it was Christmas time, there was a Christmas market, usually opening in the afternoon. There you would find a lot of people buying chocolate products, food, drinks...

Not so far from the Piazza dell'Unità there is Roman theater which leans to the slope of the Hill of San Giusto.